ShopParse XS
Pick any store in the world, we will parse up to 500 products
Valid until canceled
High-Performance Data Parsing
Real-Time Data Synchronization
Rotating Proxy System
HTML Content Product Description
Parsing of all desired customized data
Dedicated Project Manager
customized Googlesheet file for bulk editing
ShopParse S
Pick any store in the world, we will parse up to 2000 products
Valid until canceled
High-Performance Data Parsing
Real-Time Data Synchronization
Rotating Proxy System
HTML Content Product Description
Parsing of all desired customized data
Dedicated Project Manager
customized Googlesheet file for bulk editing
ShopParse M
Pick any store in the world, we will parse up to 20 000 products
Valid until canceled
High-Performance Data Parsing
Real-Time Data Synchronization
Rotating Proxy System
HTML Content Product Description
Parsing of all desired customized data
Dedicated Project Manager
customized Googlesheet file for bulk editing
ShopParse L
Pick any store in the world, we will parse up to 10 000 products
Valid until canceled
High-Performance Data Parsing
Real-Time Data Synchronization
Rotating Proxy System
HTML Content Product Description
Parsing of all desired customized data
Dedicated Project Manager
customized Googlesheet file for bulk editing
ShopParse XL
Pick any store in the world, we will parse up to 20 000 products
Valid until canceled
High-Performance Data Parsing
Real-Time Data Synchronization
Rotating Proxy System
HTML Content Product Description
Parsing of all desired customized data
Dedicated Project Manager
customized Googlesheet file for bulk editing
Parse your desired Shop
Get data from Shops of any size